What is a Study?Filters
Submitter: Kevin De Pelseneer
Investigation: Kevin's Test investigation in SP
Assays: Kevin's test assay
Test BioHackathon Study To test
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Assays: DNA Extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation, hwdgwqjdhw
Submitter: Bob Bob
Investigation: Bob's other investigation
Assays: dna extraction tomato, library prep pool
A novel method for large scale, unbiased nuclear sorting, sequencing, and de novo assembling of AM fungal genomes, comparing three assembly workflows.
phenocycler use case 1 for sample coming in for testing at facilty
Submitter: Parul Tewatia
Investigation: pheno cycler reports
A dummy whole genome sequencing study with yeast
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigation: Test_investigation_biohackathon_2
Assays: DNA extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation