st tomato

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NameTypeDescriptionPID helpUnit
Source Name*StringSources are considered as the starting biological material used in a study.--
Title*StringShort text that can be used to call out sample records in search results or in displays.--
Description*StringFree-form text describing the sample, its origin, and its method of isolation.--
tax_id*StringNCBI Taxonomy Identifier number ID. This is appropriate for individual organisms and some environmental samples.--
organismStringProvide a taxonomic information associated to the Source Biological material (for example, Species, genus, strain,....). Ideally, provide NCBI TaxID or NEWT identifier--
submission dateStringDate in which sample was submitted to ENA.--
statusControlled Vocabulary - status (free text allowed)Status of submission to ENA.--
accessionStringENA sample accession code. Provided by ENA after submission.--


Not specified
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Created: 23rd Nov 2022 at 20:53

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