A project testing the export of ISA json files based on ENA checklists
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
SEEK ID: https://datahub-test.elixir-belgium.org/projects/14
Public web page: Not specified
Elixir Belgium PALs: No PALs for this Project
Project created: 6th Nov 2022
Related items
- People (4)
- Institutions (2)
- Investigations (2)
- Studies (2)
- Assays (7+2)
- Sample types (11)
- Samples (15+1)
Projects: Bob's PhD project, SOP of the lab, ISA ENA export, For ssnape
Institutions: Default Institution
Projects: Test Project, ISA ENA export, Default Project
Institutions: Default Institution
Projects: ISA ENA export, testing template created by user in SP, Second project, PhD project 1, WP2 - Bioprospecting and functional expression of CYPs, deCYPher Composable Elements, deCYPher experiments templates, CODEX on TMA from metastatic uveal melanoma biopsies, Test project seek-1.15
Institutions: Default Institution, VIB, uppsala University, ILVO, Chalmers
Projects: Default Project, Bob's PhD project, ISA ENA export
Institutions: Default Institution
A second test investigation This one is based on a dummy yeast wgs
Submitter: Alice Alice
Studies: test_yeast_wgs
Assays: DNA extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation
Snapshots: No snapshots
A investigation used as a test in the biohackathon
Submitter: Alice Alice
Studies: Test_study
Assays: DNA Extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation, hwdgwqjdhw
Snapshots: No snapshots
Test BioHackathon Study To test
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Assays: DNA Extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation, hwdgwqjdhw
Snapshots: No snapshots
A dummy whole genome sequencing study with yeast
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigation: Test_investigation_biohackathon_2
Assays: DNA extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation
Snapshots: No snapshots
Extraction of DNA for sequencing
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
SOPs: Nucleic acid extraction
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_investigation_biohackathon_2
Study: test_yeast_wgs
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_investigation_biohackathon_2
Study: test_yeast_wgs
SOPs: Library prep
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
Snapshots: No snapshots
Input (Raw Data File) (Registered Sample List) *, nucleic acid extraction (String) *, sample volume or weight for DNA extraction (String) , Extract Name (String) *, Material type (Controlled Vocabulary - Material type (free text allowed)) *
Not specified
Input (library name) (Registered Sample List) *, nucleic acid sequencing (String) *, sequencing instrument (Controlled Vocabulary - sequencing instrument (free text allowed)) *, file type (Controlled Vocabulary - file type (free text allowed)) *, file checksum (String) , Raw Data File (String) *, submission date (String) , status (Controlled Vocabulary - status (free text allowed)) , accession (String)
Not specified
Input (Extract Name) (Registered Sample List) *, library construction (String) *, library_construction_protocol (String) , Title (String) *, design_description (String) *, library source (Controlled Vocabulary - library source (free text allowed)) *, library strategy (Controlled Vocabulary - library strategy (free text allowed)) *, library selection (Controlled Vocabulary - library selection (free text allowed)) *, library layout (Controlled Vocabulary - library layout (free text allowed)) , insert size (String) , library name (String) *, submission date (String) , status (Controlled Vocabulary - status (free text allowed)) , accession (String)
Not specified
Source Name (String) *, Title (String) *, Description (String) *, tax_id (String) *, organism (String) , collection_date (String) , submission date (String) , status (Controlled Vocabulary - status (free text allowed)) , accession (String)
Not specified