
What is a Project?
11 Projects found
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Programme: Kevin's Test Programme

Public web page: Not specified

No description specified

Programme: deCYPher

Public web page: Not specified

Objectives: WP 2 main’s objective is to overcome the challenge to efficiently identify, select and functionally express CYPs in microbial hosts by: (i) Better understanding of the CYP structure/product specificity relationship (SO1.2/SO3.2) (ii) Correct localisation & functional expression of CYPs in different microbial hosts (SO1.3) (iii) Resolving stress relief caused by CYP expression in microbes (SO2.1).

Programme: deCYPher

Public web page: Not specified

No description specified

Programme: Pseudomonas cyclic lipodepsipeptides (CLiPs)

Public web page: Not specified

Toy project for demonstrating the workflow to submit to ENA, using the ENA upload tool.

Programme: Kevin's Test Programme

Public web page: Not specified

No description specified

Programme: spatial proteomics facility

Public web page: Not specified

No description specified

Programme: spatial proteomics facility

Public web page: Not specified

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