A investigation used as a test in the biohackathon
SEEK ID: https://datahub-test.elixir-belgium.org/investigations/20
Projects: ISA ENA export
Investigation position:
Is ISA-JSON compliant: true
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Views: 415
Created: 6th Nov 2022 at 08:12
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Related items
Projects: Bob's PhD project, SOP of the lab, ISA ENA export, For ssnape
Institutions: Default Institution
Test BioHackathon Study To test
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Assays: DNA Extraction, DNA sequencing, Library preparation, hwdgwqjdhw
Snapshots: No snapshots
Extraction of DNA for sequencing
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
SOPs: Nucleic acid extraction
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
Snapshots: No snapshots
Submitter: Alice Alice
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Study: Test_study
Snapshots: No snapshots
Creator: Alice Alice
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigations: Bob's investigation, Test_BioHackathon_Investigation
Studies: Arabidopsis thaliana, Test_study
Assays: DNA Extraction, Nucleic acid extraction
Creator: Alice Alice
Submitter: Alice Alice
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays